Package 'ipumsr'

Title: An R Interface for Downloading, Reading, and Handling IPUMS Data
Description: An easy way to work with census, survey, and geographic data provided by IPUMS in R. Generate and download data through the IPUMS API and load IPUMS files into R with their associated metadata to make analysis easier. IPUMS data describing 1.4 billion individuals drawn from over 750 censuses and surveys is available free of charge from the IPUMS website <>.
Authors: Greg Freedman Ellis [aut], Derek Burk [aut, cre], Finn Roberts [aut], Joe Grover [ctb], Dan Ehrlich [ctb], Renae Rodgers [ctb], Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation [cph]
Maintainer: Derek Burk <[email protected]>
License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
Built: 2025-01-30 06:55:42 UTC

Help Index

Define an extract request for an IPUMS microdata collection


Define the parameters of an IPUMS microdata extract request to be submitted via the IPUMS API.

The IPUMS API currently supports the following microdata collections:



  • IPUMS International


  • IPUMS Health Surveys (NHIS, MEPS)

Note that not all extract request parameters and options apply to all collections. For a summary of supported features by collection, see the IPUMS API documentation.

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api") and microdata extract definitions in vignette("ipums-api-micro").


  variables = NULL,
  time_use_variables = NULL,
  sample_members = NULL,
  data_format = "fixed_width",
  data_structure = "rectangular",
  rectangular_on = NULL,
  case_select_who = "individuals",
  data_quality_flags = NULL



Code for the IPUMS collection represented by this extract request. See ipums_data_collections() for supported microdata collection codes.


Description of the extract.


Vector of samples to include in the extract request. Use get_sample_info() to identify sample IDs for a given collection.


Vector of variable names or a list of detailed variable specifications to include in the extract request. Use var_spec() to create a var_spec object containing a detailed variable specification. See examples.


Vector of names of IPUMS-defined time use variables or a list of specifications for user-defined time use variables to include in the extract request. Use tu_var_spec() to create a tu_var_spec object containing a time use variable specification. See examples.

Time use variables are only available for IPUMS Time Use collections ("atus", "ahtus", and "mtus").


Indication of whether to include additional sample members in the extract request. If provided, must be one of "include_non_respondents", "include_household_members", or both.

Sample member selection is only available for the IPUMS ATUS collection ("atus").


Format for the output extract data file. Either "fixed_width" or "csv".

Note that while "stata", "spss", and "sas9" are also accepted, these file formats are not supported by ipumsr data-reading functions.

Defaults to "fixed_width".


Data structure for the output extract data.

  • "rectangular" provides data in which every row has the same record type (determined by "rectangular_on"), with variables from other record types written onto associated records of the chosen type (e.g. household variables written onto person records).

  • "hierarchical" provides data that include rows of differing record types, with records ordered according to their hierarchical structure (e.g. each person record is followed by the activity records for that person).

  • "household_only" provides household records only. This data structure is only available for the IPUMS USA collection ("usa").

Defaults to "rectangular".


If data_structure is "rectangular", records on which to rectangularize. One of "P" (person), "A" (activity), "I" (injury) or "R" (round).

Defaults to "P" if data_structure is "rectangular" and NULL otherwise.


Indication of how to interpret any case selections included for variables in the extract definition.

  • "individuals" includes records for all individuals who match the specified case selections.

  • "households" includes records for all members of each household that contains an individual who matches the specified case selections.

Defaults to "individuals". Use var_spec() to add case selections for specific variables.


Set to TRUE to include data quality flags for all applicable variables in the extract definition. This will override the data_quality_flags specification for individual variables in the definition.

Use var_spec() to add data quality flags for specific variables.


An object of class micro_extract containing the extract definition.

See Also

submit_extract() to submit an extract request for processing.

save_extract_as_json() and define_extract_from_json() to share an extract definition.


usa_extract <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "usa",
  description = "2013-2014 ACS Data",
  samples = c("us2013a", "us2014a"),
  variables = c("SEX", "AGE", "YEAR")


# Use `var_spec()` to created detailed variable specifications:
usa_extract <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "usa",
  description = "Example USA extract definition",
  samples = c("us2013a", "us2014a"),
  variables = var_spec(
    case_selections = "2",
    attached_characteristics = c("mother", "father")

# For multiple variables, provide a list of `var_spec` objects and/or
# variable names.
cps_extract <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "cps",
  description = "Example CPS extract definition",
  samples = c("cps2020_02s", "cps2020_03s"),
  variables = list(
    var_spec("AGE", data_quality_flags = TRUE),
    var_spec("SEX", case_selections = "2"),


# To recycle specifications to many variables, it may be useful to
# create variables prior to defining the extract:
var_names <- c("AGE", "SEX")

my_vars <- purrr::map(
  ~ var_spec(.x, attached_characteristics = "mother")

ipumsi_extract <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "ipumsi",
  description = "Extract definition with predefined variables",
  samples = c("br2010a", "cl2017a"),
  variables = my_vars

# Extract specifications can be indexed by name



# IPUMS Time Use collections allow selection of IPUMS-defined and
# user-defined time use variables:
  collection = "atus",
  description = "ATUS extract with time use variables",
  samples = "at2007",
  time_use_variables = list(
      owner = "[email protected]"

## Not run: 
# Use the extract definition to submit an extract request to the API

## End(Not run)

Define an IPUMS NHGIS extract request


Define the parameters of an IPUMS NHGIS extract request to be submitted via the IPUMS API.

Use get_metadata_nhgis() to browse and identify data sources for use in NHGIS extract definitions. For general information, see the NHGIS data source overview and the FAQ.

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api") and NHGIS extract definitions in vignette("ipums-api-nhgis").


  description = "",
  datasets = NULL,
  time_series_tables = NULL,
  shapefiles = NULL,
  geographic_extents = NULL,
  breakdown_and_data_type_layout = NULL,
  tst_layout = NULL,
  data_format = NULL



Description of the extract.


List of dataset specifications for any datasets to include in the extract request. Use ds_spec() to create a ds_spec object containing a dataset specification. See examples.


List of time series table specifications for any time series tables to include in the extract request. Use tst_spec() to create a tst_spec object containing a time series table specification. See examples.


Names of any shapefiles to include in the extract request.


Vector of geographic extents to use for all of the datasets in the extract definition (for instance, to obtain data within a particular state). Use "*" to select all available extents.

Required when any of the datasets included in the extract definition include geog_levels that require extent selection. See get_metadata_nhgis() to determine if a geographic level requires extent selection. At the time of writing, NHGIS supports extent selection only for blocks and block groups.


The desired layout of any datasets that have multiple data types or breakdown values.

  • "single_file" (default) keeps all data types and breakdown values in one file

  • "separate_files" splits each data type or breakdown value into its own file

Required if any datasets included in the extract definition consist of multiple data types (for instance, estimates and margins of error) or have multiple breakdown values specified. See get_metadata_nhgis() to determine whether a requested dataset has multiple data types.


The desired layout of all time_series_tables included in the extract definition.

  • "time_by_column_layout" (wide format, default): rows correspond to geographic units, columns correspond to different times in the time series

  • "time_by_row_layout" (long format): rows correspond to a single geographic unit at a single point in time

  • "time_by_file_layout": data for different times are provided in separate files

Required when an extract definition includes any time_series_tables.


The desired format of the extract data file.

  • "csv_no_header" (default) includes only a minimal header in the first row

  • "csv_header" includes a second, more descriptive header row.

  • "fixed_width" provides data in a fixed width format

Note that by default, read_nhgis() removes the additional header row in "csv_header" files.

Required when an extract definition includes any datasets or time_series_tables.


An NHGIS extract definition must include at least one dataset, time series table, or shapefile specification.

Create an NHGIS dataset specification with ds_spec(). Each dataset must be associated with a selection of data_tables and geog_levels. Some datasets also support the selection of years and breakdown_values.

Create an NHGIS time series table specification with tst_spec(). Each time series table must be associated with a selection of geog_levels and may optionally be associated with a selection of years.

See examples or vignette("ipums-api-nhgis") for more details about specifying datasets and time series tables in an NHGIS extract definition.


An object of class nhgis_extract containing the extract definition.

See Also

get_metadata_nhgis() to find data to include in an extract definition.

submit_extract() to submit an extract request for processing.

save_extract_as_json() and define_extract_from_json() to share an extract definition.


# Extract definition for tables from an NHGIS dataset
# Use `ds_spec()` to create an NHGIS dataset specification
nhgis_extract <- define_extract_nhgis(
  description = "Example NHGIS extract",
  datasets = ds_spec(
    data_tables = "NP57",
    geog_levels = c("county", "tract")


# Use `tst_spec()` to create an NHGIS time series table specification
  description = "Example NHGIS extract",
  time_series_tables = tst_spec("CL8", geog_levels = "county"),
  tst_layout = "time_by_row_layout"

# To request multiple datasets, provide a list of `ds_spec` objects
  description = "Extract definition with multiple datasets",
  datasets = list(
    ds_spec("2014_2018_ACS5a", "B01001", c("state", "county")),
    ds_spec("2015_2019_ACS5a", "B01001", c("state", "county"))

# If you need to specify the same table or geographic level for
# many datasets, you may want to make a set of datasets before defining
# your extract request:
dataset_names <- c("2014_2018_ACS5a", "2015_2019_ACS5a")

dataset_spec <- purrr::map(
  ~ ds_spec(
    data_tables = "B01001",
    geog_levels = c("state", "county")

  description = "Extract definition with multiple datasets",
  datasets = dataset_spec

# You can request datasets, time series tables, and shapefiles in the same
# definition:
  description = "Extract with datasets and time series tables",
  datasets = ds_spec("1990_STF1", c("NP1", "NP2"), "county"),
  time_series_tables = tst_spec("CL6", "state"),
  shapefiles = "us_county_1990_tl2008"

# Geographic extents are applied to all datasets in the definition
  description = "Extent selection",
  datasets = list(
    ds_spec("2018_2022_ACS5a", "B01001", "blck_grp"),
    ds_spec("2017_2021_ACS5a", "B01001", "blck_grp")
  geographic_extents = c("010", "050")

# Extract specifications can be indexed by name


## Not run: 
# Use the extract definition to submit an extract request to the API

## End(Not run)

Download a completed IPUMS data extract


Download IPUMS data extract files via the IPUMS API and save them on your computer.

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api").


  download_dir = getwd(),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  progress = TRUE,
  api_key = Sys.getenv("IPUMS_API_KEY")



One of:

  • An ipums_extract object

  • The data collection and extract number formatted as a string of the form "collection:number" or as a vector of the form c("collection", number)

  • An extract number to be associated with your default IPUMS collection. See set_ipums_default_collection()

For a list of codes used to refer to each collection, see ipums_data_collections().


Path to the directory where the files should be written. Defaults to current working directory.


If TRUE, overwrite files with the same name that already exist in download_dir. Defaults to FALSE.


If TRUE, output progress bar showing the status of the download request. Defaults to TRUE.


API key associated with your user account. Defaults to the value of the IPUMS_API_KEY environment variable. See set_ipums_api_key().


For NHGIS extracts, data files and GIS files (shapefiles) will be saved in separate .zip archives. download_extract() will return a character vector including the file paths to all downloaded files.

For microdata extracts, only the file path to the downloaded .xml DDI file will be returned, as it is sufficient for reading the data provided in the associated .dat.gz data file.


The path(s) to the files required to read the data requested in the extract, invisibly.

For NHGIS, paths will be named with either "data" (for tabular data files) or "shape" (for spatial data files) to indicate the type of data the file contains.

See Also

read_ipums_micro() or read_nhgis() to read tabular data from an IPUMS extract.

read_ipums_sf() to read spatial data from an IPUMS extract.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.


usa_extract <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "usa",
  description = "2013-2014 ACS Data",
  samples = c("us2013a", "us2014a"),
  variables = c("SEX", "AGE", "YEAR")

## Not run: 
submitted_extract <- submit_extract(usa_extract)

downloadable_extract <- wait_for_extract(submitted_extract)

# For microdata, the path to the DDI .xml codebook file is provided.
usa_xml_file <- download_extract(downloadable_extract)

# Load with a `read_ipums_micro_*()` function
usa_data <- read_ipums_micro(usa_xml_file)

# You can also download previous extracts with their collection and number:
nhgis_files <- download_extract("nhgis:1")

# NHGIS extracts return a path to both the tabular and spatial data files,
# as applicable.
nhgis_data <- read_nhgis(data = nhgis_files["data"])

# Load NHGIS spatial data
nhgis_geog <- read_ipums_sf(data = nhgis_files["shape"])

## End(Not run)

Download IPUMS supplemental data files


Some IPUMS collections provide supplemental data files that are available outside of the IPUMS extract system. Use this function to download these files.

Currently, only IPUMS NHGIS files are supported.

In general, files found on an IPUMS project website that include secure-assets in their URL are available as supplemental data. See the IPUMS developer documentation for more information on available endpoints.


  download_dir = getwd(),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  progress = TRUE,
  api_key = Sys.getenv("IPUMS_API_KEY")



Code for the IPUMS collection represented by this extract request. Currently, only "nhgis" is supported.


Path to the supplemental data file to download. See examples.


Path to the directory where the files should be written. Defaults to current working directory.


If TRUE, overwrite files with the same name that already exist in download_dir. Defaults to FALSE.


If TRUE, output progress bar showing the status of the download request. Defaults to TRUE.


API key associated with your user account. Defaults to the value of the IPUMS_API_KEY environment variable. See set_ipums_api_key().


The path to the downloaded supplemental data file


## Not run: 
# Download a state-level tract to county crosswalk from NHGIS
file <- download_supplemental_data(


# Download 1980 Minnesota block boundary file
file <- download_supplemental_data(


## End(Not run)

Browse definitions of previously submitted extract requests


Retrieve definitions of an arbitrary number of previously submitted extract requests for a given IPUMS collection, starting from the most recent extract request.

To check the status of a particular extract request, use get_extract_info().

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api").


  collection = NULL,
  how_many = 10,
  delay = 0,
  api_key = Sys.getenv("IPUMS_API_KEY")



Character string of the IPUMS collection for which to retrieve extract history. Defaults to the current default collection, if it exists. See set_ipums_default_collection().

For a list of codes used to refer to each collection, see ipums_data_collections().


The number of extract requests for which to retrieve information. Defaults to the 10 most recent extracts.


Number of seconds to delay between successive API requests, if multiple requests are needed to retrieve all records.

A delay is highly unlikely to be necessary and is intended only as a fallback in the event that you cannot retrieve your extract history without exceeding the API rate limit.


API key associated with your user account. Defaults to the value of the IPUMS_API_KEY environment variable. See set_ipums_api_key().


A list of ipums_extract objects

See Also

get_extract_info() to get the current status of a specific extract request.


## Not run: 
# Get information for most recent extract requests.
# By default gets the most recent 10 extracts

# Return only the most recent 3 extract definitions
get_extract_history("cps", how_many = 3)

# To get the most recent extract (for instance, if you have forgotten its
# extract number), use `get_last_extract_info()`

## End(Not run)

# To browse your extract history by particular criteria, you can
# loop through the extract objects. We'll create a sample list of 2 extracts:
extract1 <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "usa",
  description = "2013 ACS",
  samples = "us2013a",
  variables = var_spec(
    case_selections = "2",
    data_quality_flags = TRUE

extract2 <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "usa",
  description = "2014 ACS",
  samples = "us2014a",
  variables = list(
      case_selections = "1",
      data_quality_flags = FALSE

extracts <- list(extract1, extract2)

# `purrr::keep()`` is particularly useful for filtering:
purrr::keep(extracts, ~ "RACE" %in% names(.x$variables))

purrr::keep(extracts, ~ grepl("2014 ACS", .x$description))

# You can also filter on variable-specific criteria
purrr::keep(extracts, ~ isTRUE(.x$variables[["SEX"]]$data_quality_flags))

# To filter based on all variables in an extract, you'll need to
# create a nested loop. For instance, to find all extracts that have
# any variables with data_quality_flags:
  function(extract) {
      function(var) isTRUE(extract$variables[[var]]$data_quality_flags)

# To peruse your extract history without filtering, `purrr::map()` is more
# useful
purrr::map(extracts, ~ names(.x$variables))

purrr::map(extracts, ~ names(.x$samples))

purrr::map(extracts, ~ .x$variables[["RACE"]]$case_selections)

# Once you have identified a past extract, you can easily download or
# resubmit it
## Not run: 
extracts <- get_extract_history("nhgis")

extract <- purrr::keep(
  ~ "CW3" %in% names(.x$time_series_tables)


## End(Not run)

Retrieve the definition and latest status of an extract request


Retrieve the latest status of an extract request.

get_last_extract_info() is a convenience function to retrieve the most recent extract for a given collection.

To browse definitions of your previously submitted extract requests, see get_extract_history().

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api").


get_extract_info(extract, api_key = Sys.getenv("IPUMS_API_KEY"))

get_last_extract_info(collection = NULL, api_key = Sys.getenv("IPUMS_API_KEY"))



One of:

  • An ipums_extract object

  • The data collection and extract number formatted as a string of the form "collection:number" or as a vector of the form c("collection", number)

  • An extract number to be associated with your default IPUMS collection. See set_ipums_default_collection()

For a list of codes used to refer to each collection, see ipums_data_collections().


API key associated with your user account. Defaults to the value of the IPUMS_API_KEY environment variable. See set_ipums_api_key().


Character string of the IPUMS collection for which to retrieve extract history. Defaults to the current default collection, if it exists. See set_ipums_default_collection().

For a list of codes used to refer to each collection, see ipums_data_collections().


An ipums_extract object.

See Also

get_extract_history() to browse past extract definitions

wait_for_extract() to wait for an extract to finish processing.

download_extract() to download an extract's data files.

save_extract_as_json() and define_extract_from_json() to share an extract definition.


my_extract <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "usa",
  description = "2013-2014 ACS Data",
  samples = c("us2013a", "us2014a"),
  variables = c("SEX", "AGE", "YEAR")

## Not run: 
submitted_extract <- submit_extract(my_extract)

# Get latest info for the request associated with a given `ipums_extract`
# object:
updated_extract <- get_extract_info(submitted_extract)


# Or specify the extract collection and number:
get_extract_info(c("usa", 1))

# If you have a default collection, you can use the extract number alone:

# To get the most recent extract (for instance, if you have forgotten its
# extract number), use `get_last_extract_info()`

## End(Not run)

List available data sources from IPUMS NHGIS


Retrieve information about available NHGIS data sources, including datasets, data tables (summary tables), time series tables, and shapefiles (GIS files).

To retrieve summary metadata for all available data sources of a particular type, use the type argument. To retrieve detailed metadata for a single data source, use the dataset, data_table, or time_series_table argument. See the metadata availability section below for information on the metadata provided for each data type.

For general information, see the NHGIS data source overview and the FAQ.

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api") and NHGIS extract definitions in vignette("ipums-api-nhgis").


  type = NULL,
  dataset = NULL,
  data_table = NULL,
  time_series_table = NULL,
  delay = 0,
  api_key = Sys.getenv("IPUMS_API_KEY")



One of "datasets", "data_tables", "time_series_tables", or "shapefiles" indicating the type of summary metadata to retrieve. Leave NULL if requesting metadata for a single dataset, data_table, or time_series_table.


Name of an individual dataset for which to retrieve metadata.


Name of an individual data table for which to retrieve metadata. If provided, an associated dataset must also be specified.


Name of an individual time series table for which to retrieve metadata.


Number of seconds to delay between successive API requests, if multiple requests are needed to retrieve all records.

A delay is highly unlikely to be necessary and is intended only as a fallback in the event that you cannot retrieve all metadata records without exceeding the API rate limit.

Only used if type is provided.


API key associated with your user account. Defaults to the value of the IPUMS_API_KEY environment variable. See set_ipums_api_key().


If type is provided, a tibble of summary metadata for all data sources of the provided type. Otherwise, a named list of metadata for the specified dataset, data_table, or time_series_table.

Metadata availability

The following sections summarize the metadata fields provided for each data type. Summary metadata include a subset of the fields provided for individual data sources.


  • name: The unique identifier for the dataset. This is the value that is used to refer to the dataset when interacting with the IPUMS API.

  • group: The group of datasets to which the dataset belongs. For instance, 5 separate datasets are part of the "2015 American Community Survey" group.

  • description: A short description of the dataset.

  • sequence: Order in which the dataset will appear in the metadata API and extracts.

  • has_multiple_data_types: Logical value indicating whether multiple data types exist for this dataset. For example, ACS datasets include both estimates and margins of error.

  • data_tables: A tibble containing names, codes, and descriptions for all data tables available for the dataset.

  • geog_levels: A tibble containing names, descriptions, and extent information for the geographic levels available for the dataset. The has_geog_extent_selection field contains logical values indicating whether extent selection is allowed (and required) for the associated geographic level. See geographic_instances below.

  • breakdowns: A tibble containing names, types, descriptions, and breakdown values for all breakdowns available for the dataset.

  • years: A vector of years for which the dataset is available. This field is only present if a dataset is available for multiple years. Note that ACS datasets are not considered to be available for multiple years.

  • geographic_instances: A tibble containing names and descriptions for all valid geographic extents for the dataset. This field is only present if at least one of the dataset's geog_levels allows geographic extent selection.

Data tables:

  • name: The unique identifier for the data table within its dataset. This is the value that is used to refer to the data table when interacting with the IPUMS API.

  • description: A short description of the data table.

  • universe: The statistical population measured by this data table (e.g. persons, families, occupied housing units, etc.)

  • nhgis_code: The code identifying the data table in the extract. Variables in the extract data will include column names prefixed with this code.

  • sequence: Order in which the data table will appear in the metadata API and extracts.

  • dataset_name: Name of the dataset to which this data table belongs.

  • n_variables: Number of variables included in this data table.

  • variables: A tibble containing variable descriptions and codes for the variables included in the data table

Time series tables:

  • name: The unique identifier for the time series table. This is the value that is used to refer to the time series table when interacting with the IPUMS API.

  • description: A short description of the time series table.

  • geographic_integration: The method by which the time series table aligns geographic units across time. "Nominal" integration indicates that geographic units are aligned by name (disregarding changes in unit boundaries). "Standardized" integration indicates that data from multiple time points are standardized to the indicated year's census units. For more information, click here.

  • sequence: Order in which the time series table will appear in the metadata API and extracts.

  • time_series: A tibble containing names and descriptions for the individual time series available for the time series table.

  • years: A tibble containing information on the available data years for the time series table.

  • geog_levels: A tibble containing names and descriptions for the geographic levels available for the time series table.


  • name: The unique identifier for the shapefile. This is the value that is used to refer to the shapefile when interacting with the IPUMS API.

  • year: The survey year in which the shapefile's represented areas were used for tabulations, which may be different than the vintage of the represented areas. For more information, click here.

  • geographic_level: The geographic level of the shapefile.

  • extent: The geographic extent covered by the shapefile.

  • basis: The derivation source of the shapefile.

  • sequence: Order in which the shapefile will appear in the metadata API and extracts.

See Also

define_extract_nhgis() to create an IPUMS NHGIS extract definition.


## Not run: 

# Get summary metadata for all available sources of a given data type

# Filter to identify data sources of interest by their metadata values
all_tsts <- get_metadata_nhgis("time_series_tables")

tsts <- all_tsts %>%
    grepl("Children", description),
    grepl("Families", description),
    geographic_integration == "Standardized to 2010"


# Get detailed metadata for a single source with its associated argument:
cs5_meta <- get_metadata_nhgis(time_series_table = "CS5")

# Use the available values when defining an NHGIS extract request
  time_series_tables = tst_spec("CS5", geog_levels = "state")

# Detailed metadata is also provided for datasets and data tables
get_metadata_nhgis(dataset = "1990_STF1")
get_metadata_nhgis(data_table = "NP1", dataset = "1990_STF1")

# Iterate over data sources to retrieve detailed metadata for several
# records. For instance, to get variable metadata for a set of data tables:
tables <- c("NP1", "NP2", "NP10")

var_meta <- purrr::map(
  function(dt) {
    dt_meta <- get_metadata_nhgis(dataset = "1990_STF1", data_table = dt)

    # This ensures you avoid hitting rate limit for large numbers of tables


## End(Not run)

Bind multiple data frames by row, preserving labelled attributes


Analogous to dplyr::bind_rows(), but preserves the labelled attributes provided with IPUMS data.


ipums_bind_rows(..., .id = NULL)



Data frames or tibbles to combine. Each argument can be a data frame or a list of data frames. When binding, columns are matched by name. Missing columns will be filled with NA.


The name of an optional identifier column. Provide a string to create an output column that identifies each input. The column will use names if available, otherwise it will use positions.


Returns the same type as the first input. Either a data.frame, tbl_df, or grouped_df


file <- ipums_example("")

d1 <- read_nhgis(
  file_select = 1,
  verbose = FALSE

d2 <- read_nhgis(
  file_select = 2,
  verbose = FALSE

# Variables have associated label attributes:

# Preserve labels when binding data sources:
d <- ipums_bind_rows(d1, d2)

# dplyr `bind_rows()` drops labels:
d <- dplyr::bind_rows(d1, d2)

Collect data into R session with IPUMS attributes


Convenience wrapper around dplyr's collect() and set_ipums_var_attributes(). Use this to attach variable labels when collecting data from a database.


ipums_collect(data, ddi, var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"))



A dplyr tbl object (generally a tbl_lazy object stored in a database).


An ipums_ddi object created with read_ipums_ddi().


Variable attributes to add to the output. Defaults to all available attributes. See set_ipums_var_attributes() for more details.


A local tibble with the requested attributes attached.

List IPUMS data collections


List IPUMS data collections with their corresponding codes used by the IPUMS API. Note that some data collections do not yet have API support.

Currently, ipumsr supports extract definitions for the following collections:

  • IPUMS USA ("usa")

  • IPUMS CPS ("cps")

  • IPUMS International ("ipumsi")

  • IPUMS Time Use ("atus", "ahtus", "mtus")

  • IPUMS Health Surveys ("nhis", "meps")

  • IPUMS NHGIS ("nhgis")

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api").




A tibble with four columns containing the full collection name, the type of data the collection provides, the collection code used by the IPUMS API, and the status of API support for the collection.



Get path to IPUMS example datasets


Construct file path to example extracts included with ipumsr. These data are used in package examples and can be used to experiment with ipumsr functionality.


ipums_example(path = NULL)



Name of file. If NULL, all available example files will be listed.


The path to a specific example file or a vector of all available files.


# List all available example files

# Get path to a specific example file
file <- ipums_example("cps_00157.xml")


ipums_extract class


The ipums_extract class provides a data structure for storing the extract definition and status of an IPUMS data extract request. Both submitted and unsubmitted extract requests are stored in ipums_extract objects.

ipums_extract objects are further divided into microdata and aggregate data classes, and will also include a collection-specific extract subclass to accommodate differences in extract options and content across collections.

Currently supported collections are:

  • IPUMS microdata



    • IPUMS International

    • IPUMS Time Use (ATUS, AHTUS, MTUS)

    • IPUMS Health Surveys (NHIS, MEPS)

  • IPUMS aggregate data


Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api").


Objects of class ipums_extract have:

  • A class attribute of the form c("{collection}_extract", "{collection_type}_extract", "ipums_extract"). For instance, c("cps_extract", "micro_extract", "ipums_extract").

  • A base type of "list".

  • A names attribute that is a character vector the same length as the underlying list.

All ipums_extract objects will include several core fields identifying the extract and its status:

  • collection: the collection for the extract request.

  • description: the description of the extract request.

  • submitted: logical indicating whether the extract request has been submitted to the IPUMS API for processing.

  • download_links: links to the downloadable data, if the extract request was completed at the time it was last checked.

  • number: the number of the extract request. With collection, this uniquely identifies an extract request for a given user.

  • status: status of the extract request at the time it was last checked. One of "unsubmitted", "queued", "started", "produced", "canceled", "failed", or "completed".

Creating or obtaining an extract

  • Create an ipums_extract object from scratch with the appropriate ⁠define_extract_*()⁠ function.

  • Use get_extract_info() to get the definition and latest status of a previously-submitted extract request.

  • Use get_extract_history() to get the definitions and latest status of multiple previously-submitted extract requests.

Submitting an extract

  • Use submit_extract() to submit an extract request for processing through the IPUMS API.

  • Use wait_for_extract() to periodically check the status of a submitted extract request until it is ready to download.

  • Use is_extract_ready() to manually check whether a submitted extract request is ready to download.

Downloading an extract

Saving an extract

Get file information for an IPUMS extract


Get information about the IPUMS project, date, notes, conditions, and citation requirements for an extract based on an ipums_ddi object.

ipums_conditions() is a convenience function that provides conditions and citation information for a recently loaded dataset.


ipums_file_info(object, type = NULL)

ipums_conditions(object = NULL)



An ipums_ddi object.

For ipums_conditions(), leave NULL to display conditions for most recently loaded dataset.


Type of file information to display. If NULL, loads all types. Otherwise, one of "ipums_project", "extract_date", "extract_notes", "conditions" or "citation".


For ipums_file_info(), if type = NULL, a named list of metadata information. Otherwise, a string containing the requested information.


ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(ipums_example("cps_00157.xml"))


List files contained within a zipped IPUMS extract


Identify the files that can be read from an IPUMS extract.


  file_select = NULL,
  types = NULL,
  data_layer = deprecated(),
  shape_layer = deprecated(),
  raster_layer = deprecated()



Path to a .zip archive containing the IPUMS extract to be examined.


If the path in file contains multiple files, a tidyselect selection identifying the files to be included in the output. Only files that match the provided expression will be included.

While less useful, this can also be provided as a string specifying an exact file name or an integer to match files by index position.


One or more of "data" or "shape" indicating the type of files to include in the output. "data" refers to tabular data sources, while "shape" refers to spatial data sources.

The use of "raster" has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

data_layer, shape_layer, raster_layer

[Deprecated] Please use file_select instead.


A tibble containing the types and names of the available files.

See Also

read_ipums_micro() or read_nhgis() to read tabular data from an IPUMS extract.

read_ipums_sf() to read spatial data from an IPUMS extract.


nhgis_file <- ipums_example("")

# 2 available files in this extract

# Look for files that match a particular pattern:
ipums_list_files(nhgis_file, file_select = matches("ds136"))

Join tabular data to geographic boundaries


These functions are analogous to dplyr's joins, except that:

  • They operate on a data frame and an sf object

  • They retain the variable attributes provided in IPUMS files and loaded by ipumsr data-reading functions

  • They handle minor incompatibilities between attributes in spatial and tabular data that emerge in some IPUMS files


  suffix = c("", "SHAPE"),
  verbose = TRUE

  suffix = c("", "SHAPE"),
  verbose = TRUE

  suffix = c("", "SHAPE"),
  verbose = TRUE

  suffix = c("", "SHAPE"),
  verbose = TRUE



A tibble or data frame. Typically, this will contain data that has been aggregated to a specific geographic level.


An sf object loaded with read_ipums_sf().


Character vector of variables to join by. See dplyr::left_join() for syntax.


If there are non-joined duplicate variables in the two data sources, these suffixes will be added to the output to disambiguate them. Should be a character vector of length 2.

Defaults to adding the "SHAPE" suffix to duplicated variables in shape_file.


If TRUE, display information about any geometries that were unmatched during the join.


An sf object containing the joined data


data <- read_nhgis(
  verbose = FALSE

sf_data <- read_ipums_sf(ipums_example(""))
joined_data <- ipums_shape_inner_join(data, sf_data, by = "GISJOIN")


Get contextual information about variables in an IPUMS data source


Summarize the variable metadata for the variables found in an ipums_ddi object or data frame. Provides descriptions of variable content (var_label and var_desc) as well as labels of particular values for each variable (val_labels).

ipums_var_info() produces a tibble summary of multiple variables at once.

ipums_var_label(), ipums_var_desc(), and ipums_val_labels() provide specific metadata for a single variable.


ipums_var_info(object, vars = NULL)

ipums_var_label(object, var = NULL)

ipums_var_desc(object, var = NULL)

ipums_val_labels(object, var = NULL)



An ipums_ddi object, a data frame containing variable metadata (as produced by most ipumsr data-reading functions), or a haven::labelled() vector from a single column in such a data frame.

vars, var

A tidyselect selection identifying the variable(s) to include in the output. Only ipums_var_info() allows for the selection of multiple variables.


For ipums_var_info(), if the provided object is a haven::labelled() vector (i.e. a single column from a data frame), the summary output will include the variable label, variable description, and value labels, if applicable.

If it is a data frame, the same information will be provided for all variables present in the data or to those indicated in vars.

If it is an ipums_ddi object, the summary will also include information used when reading the data from disk, including start/end positions for columns in the fixed-width file, implied decimals, and variable types.

Providing an ipums_ddi object is the most robust way to access variable metadata, as many data processing operations will remove these attributes from data frame-like objects.


For ipums_var_info(), a tibble containing variable information.

Otherwise, a length-1 character vector with the requested variable information.

See Also

read_ipums_ddi() or read_nhgis_codebook() to read IPUMS metadata files.


ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(ipums_example("cps_00157.xml"))

# Info for all variables in a data source

# Metadata for individual variables
ipums_var_desc(ddi, MONTH)

ipums_var_label(ddi, MONTH)

ipums_val_labels(ddi, MONTH)

# NHGIS also supports variable-level metadata, though many fields
# are not relevant and remain blank:
cb <- read_nhgis_codebook(ipums_example(""))


View a static webpage with variable metadata from an IPUMS extract


For a given ipums_ddi object or data frame, display metadata about its contents in the RStudio viewer pane. This includes extract-level information as well as metadata for the variables included in the input object.

It is also possible to save the output to an external HTML file without launching the RStudio viewer.


ipums_view(x, out_file = NULL, launch = TRUE)



An ipums_ddi object or a data frame with IPUMS attributes attached.

Note that file-level information (e.g. extract notes) is only available when x is an ipums_ddi object.


Optional location to save the output HTML file. If NULL, makes a temporary file.


Logical indicating whether to launch the HTML file in the RStudio viewer pane. If TRUE, RStudio and rstudioapi must be available.


ipums_view() requires that the htmltools, shiny, and DT packages are installed. If launch = TRUE, RStudio and the rstudioapi package must also be available.

Note that if launch = FALSE and out_file is unspecified, the output file will be written to a temporary directory. Some operating systems may be unable to open the HTML file from the temporary directory; we suggest that you manually specify the out_file location in this case.


The file path to the output HTML file (invisibly, if launch = TRUE)


ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(ipums_example("cps_00157.xml"))

## Not run: 
ipums_view(ddi, "codebook.html", launch = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Launch a browser window to an IPUMS metadata page


Launch the documentation webpage for a given IPUMS project and variable. The project can be provided in the form of an ipums_ddi object or can be manually specified.

This provides access to more extensive variable metadata than may be contained within an ipums_ddi object itself.

Note that some IPUMS projects (e.g. IPUMS NHGIS) do not have variable-specific pages. In these cases, ipums_website() will launch the project's main data selection page.


  var = NULL,
  launch = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  homepage_if_missing = FALSE,
  project = deprecated(),
  var_label = deprecated()



An ipums_ddi object or the name of an IPUMS project. See ipums_data_collections() for supported projects.


Name of the variable to load. If NULL, provides the URL to the project's main data selection site.


If TRUE, launch a browser window to the metadata webpage. Otherwise, return the URL for the webpage.


If TRUE, produce warnings when invalid URL specifications are detected.


If TRUE, return the IPUMS homepage if the IPUMS project in x is not recognized.


[Deprecated] Please use x instead.


[Deprecated] Variable label for the provided var. This is typically obtained from the input ipums_ddi object and is unlikely to be needed.


If launch = TRUE, you will need a valid registration for the specified project to successfully launch the webpage.

Not all IPUMS variables are found at webpages that exactly match the variable names that are included in completed extract files (and ipums_ddi objects). Therefore, there may be some projects and variables for which ipums_website() will launch the page for a different variable or an invalid page.


The URL to the IPUMS webpage for the indicated project and variable (invisibly if launch = TRUE)


ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(ipums_example("cps_00157.xml"))

## Not run: 
# Launch webpage for particular variable
ipums_website(ddi, "MONTH")

## End(Not run)

# Can also specify an IPUMS project instead of an `ipums_ddi` object
ipums_website("IPUMS CPS", var = "RECTYPE", launch = FALSE)

# Shorthand project names from `ipums_data_collections()` are also accepted:
ipums_website("ipumsi", var = "YEAR", launch = FALSE)

Make a label placeholder object


Define a new label/value pair. For use in functions like lbl_relabel() and lbl_add().





Either one or two arguments specifying the label (.lbl) and value (.val) to use in the new label pair.

If arguments are named, they must be named .val and/or .lbl.

If a single unnamed value is passed, it is used as the .lbl for the new label. If two unnamed values are passed, they are used as the .val and .lbl, respectively.


Several ⁠lbl_*()⁠ functions include arguments that can be passed a function of .val and/or .lbl. These refer to the existing values and labels in the input vector, respectively.

Use .val to refer to the values in the vector's value labels. Use .lbl to refer to the label names in the vector's value labels.

Note that not all ⁠lbl_*()⁠ functions support both of these arguments.


A label_placeholder object

See Also

Other lbl_helpers: lbl_add(), lbl_clean(), lbl_define(), lbl_na_if(), lbl_relabel(), zap_ipums_attributes()


# Label placeholder with no associated value
lbl("New label")

# Label placeholder with a value/label pair
lbl(10, "New label")

# Use placeholders as inputs to other label handlers
x <- haven::labelled(
  c(100, 200, 105, 990, 999, 230),
  c(`Unknown` = 990, NIU = 999)

x <- lbl_add(
  lbl(100, "$100"),
  lbl(105, "$105"),
  lbl(200, "$200"),
  lbl(230, "$230")

lbl_relabel(x, lbl(9999, "Missing") ~ .val > 900)

Add labels for unlabelled values


Add labels for values that don't already have them in a labelled vector.


lbl_add(x, ...)

lbl_add_vals(x, labeller = as.character, vals = NULL)



A labelled vector


Arbitrary number of label placeholders created with lbl() indicating the value/label pairs to add.


A function that takes values being added as an argument and returns the labels to associate with those values. By default, uses the values themselves after converting to character.


Vector of values to be labelled. If NULL, labels all unlabelled values that exist in the data.


A labelled vector

See Also

Other lbl_helpers: lbl(), lbl_clean(), lbl_define(), lbl_na_if(), lbl_relabel(), zap_ipums_attributes()


x <- haven::labelled(
  c(100, 200, 105, 990, 999, 230),
  c(`Unknown` = 990, NIU = 999)

# Add new labels manually
  lbl(100, "$100"),
  lbl(105, "$105"),
  lbl(200, "$200"),
  lbl(230, "$230")

# Add labels for all unlabelled values

# Update label names while adding
lbl_add_vals(x, labeller = ~ paste0("$", .))

# Add labels for select values
lbl_add_vals(x, vals = c(100, 200))

Clean unused labels


Remove labels that do not appear in the data. When converting labelled values to a factor, this avoids the creation of additional factor levels.





A labelled vector


A labelled vector

See Also

Other lbl_helpers: lbl(), lbl_add(), lbl_define(), lbl_na_if(), lbl_relabel(), zap_ipums_attributes()


x <- haven::labelled(
  c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3),
  c(Q1 = 1, Q2 = 2, Q3 = 3, Q4 = 4)


# Compare the factor levels of the normal and cleaned labels after coercion


Define labels for an unlabelled vector


Create a labelled vector from an unlabelled vector using lbl_relabel() syntax, allowing for the grouping of multiple values into a single label. Values not assigned a label remain unlabelled.


lbl_define(x, ...)



An unlabelled vector


Arbitrary number of two-sided formulas.

The left hand side should be a label placeholder created with lbl().

The right hand side should be a function taking .val that evaluates to TRUE for all cases that should receive the label specified on the left hand side.

Can be provided as an anonymous function or formula. See Details section.


Several ⁠lbl_*()⁠ functions include arguments that can be passed a function of .val and/or .lbl. These refer to the existing values and labels in the input vector, respectively.

Use .val to refer to the values in the vector's value labels. Use .lbl to refer to the label names in the vector's value labels.

Note that not all ⁠lbl_*()⁠ functions support both of these arguments.


A labelled vector

See Also

Other lbl_helpers: lbl(), lbl_add(), lbl_clean(), lbl_na_if(), lbl_relabel(), zap_ipums_attributes()


age <- c(10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27)

# Group age values into two label groups.
# Values not captured by the right hand side functions remain unlabelled
  lbl(1, "Pre-college age") ~ .val < 18,
  lbl(2, "College age") ~ .val >= 18 & .val <= 22

Convert labelled data values to NA


Convert data values in a labelled vector to NA based on the value labels associated with that vector. Ignores values that do not have a label.


lbl_na_if(x, .predicate)



A labelled vector


A function taking .val and .lbl arguments that returns TRUE for all values that should be converted to NA.

Can be provided as an anonymous function or formula. See Details section.


Several ⁠lbl_*()⁠ functions include arguments that can be passed a function of .val and/or .lbl. These refer to the existing values and labels in the input vector, respectively.

Use .val to refer to the values in the vector's value labels. Use .lbl to refer to the label names in the vector's value labels.

Note that not all ⁠lbl_*()⁠ functions support both of these arguments.


A labelled vector

See Also

Other lbl_helpers: lbl(), lbl_add(), lbl_clean(), lbl_define(), lbl_relabel(), zap_ipums_attributes()


x <- haven::labelled(
  c(10, 10, 11, 20, 30, 99, 30, 10),
  c(Yes = 10, `Yes - Logically Assigned` = 11, No = 20, Maybe = 30, NIU = 99)

# Convert labelled values greater than 90 to `NA`
lbl_na_if(x, function(.val, .lbl) .val >= 90)

# Can use purrr-style notation
lbl_na_if(x, ~ .lbl %in% c("Maybe"))

# Or refer to named function
na_function <- function(.val, .lbl) .val >= 90
lbl_na_if(x, na_function)

Modify value labels for a labelled vector


Update the mapping between values and labels in a labelled vector. These functions allow you to simultaneously update data values and the existing value labels. Modifying data values directly does not result in updated value labels.

Use lbl_relabel() to manually specify new value/label mappings. This allows for the addition of new labels.

Use lbl_collapse() to collapse detailed labels into more general categories. Values can be grouped together and associated with individual labels that already exist in the labelled vector.

Unlabelled values will be converted to NA.


lbl_relabel(x, ...)

lbl_collapse(x, .fun)



A labelled vector


Arbitrary number of two-sided formulas.

The left hand side should be a label placeholder created with lbl() or a value that already exists in the data.

The right hand side should be a function taking .val and .lbl arguments that evaluates to TRUE for all cases that should receive the label specified on the left hand side.

Can be provided as an anonymous function or formula. See Details section.


A function taking .val and .lbl arguments that returns the value associated with an existing label in the vector. Input values to this function will be relabeled with the label of the function's output value.

Can be provided as an anonymous function or formula. See Details section.


Several ⁠lbl_*()⁠ functions include arguments that can be passed a function of .val and/or .lbl. These refer to the existing values and labels in the input vector, respectively.

Use .val to refer to the values in the vector's value labels. Use .lbl to refer to the label names in the vector's value labels.

Note that not all ⁠lbl_*()⁠ functions support both of these arguments.


A labelled vector

See Also

Other lbl_helpers: lbl(), lbl_add(), lbl_clean(), lbl_define(), lbl_na_if(), zap_ipums_attributes()


x <- haven::labelled(
  c(10, 10, 11, 20, 21, 30, 99, 30, 10),
    Yes = 10, `Yes - Logically Assigned` = 11,
    No = 20, Unlikely = 21, Maybe = 30, NIU = 99

# Convert cases with value 11 to value 10 and associate with 10's label
lbl_relabel(x, 10 ~ .val == 11)
lbl_relabel(x, lbl("Yes") ~ .val == 11)

# To relabel using new value/label pairs, use `lbl()` to define a new pair
  lbl(10, "Yes/Yes-ish") ~ .val %in% c(10, 11),
  lbl(90, "???") ~ .val == 99 | .lbl == "Maybe"

# Collapse labels to create new label groups
lbl_collapse(x, ~ (.val %/% 10) * 10)

# These are equivalent
lbl_collapse(x, ~ ifelse(.val == 10, 11, .val))
lbl_relabel(x, 11 ~ .val == 10)

Read metadata about an IPUMS microdata extract from a DDI codebook (.xml) file


Reads the metadata about an IPUMS extract from a DDI codebook into an ipums_ddi object.

These metadata contains parsing instructions for the associated fixed-width data file, contextual labels for variables and values in the data, and general extract information.

See Downloading IPUMS files below for information about downloading IPUMS DDI codebook files.


  lower_vars = FALSE,
  file_select = deprecated(),
  data_layer = deprecated()



Path to a DDI .xml file downloaded from IPUMS. See Downloading IPUMS files below.


Logical indicating whether to convert variable names to lowercase. Defaults to FALSE for consistency with IPUMS conventions.

data_layer, file_select

[Deprecated] Reading DDI files contained in a .zip archive has been deprecated. Please provide the full path to the .xml file to be loaded in ddi_file.


An ipums_ddi object with metadata information.

Downloading IPUMS files

The DDI codebook (.xml) file provided with IPUMS microdata extracts can be downloaded through the IPUMS extract interface or (for some collections) within R using the IPUMS API.

If using the IPUMS extract interface:

  • Download the DDI codebook by right clicking on the DDI link in the Codebook column of the extract interface and selecting Save as... (on Safari, you may have to select Download Linked File As...). Be sure that the codebook is downloaded in .xml format.

If using the IPUMS API:

  • For supported collections, use download_extract() to download a completed extract via the IPUMS API. This automatically downloads both the DDI codebook and the data file from the extract and returns the path to the codebook file.

See Also

read_ipums_micro(), read_ipums_micro_chunked() and read_ipums_micro_yield() to read data from IPUMS microdata extracts.

ipums_var_info() and ipums_file_info() to view metadata about an ipums_ddi object.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.


# Example codebook file
ddi_file <- ipums_example("cps_00157.xml")

# Load data into an `ipums_ddi` obj
ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(ddi_file)

# Use the object to load its associated data
cps <- read_ipums_micro(ddi)


# Or get metadata information directly


# If variable metadata have been lost from a data source, reattach from
# its corresponding `ipums_ddi` object:
cps <- zap_ipums_attributes(cps)


cps <- set_ipums_var_attributes(cps, ddi$var_info)


Read data from an IPUMS microdata extract


Read a microdata dataset downloaded from the IPUMS extract system.

Two files are required to load IPUMS microdata extracts:

  • A DDI codebook file (.xml) used to parse the extract's data file

  • A data file (either .dat.gz or .csv.gz)

See Downloading IPUMS files below for more information about downloading these files.

read_ipums_micro() and read_ipums_micro_list() differ in their handling of extracts that contain multiple record types. See Data structures below.

Note that Stata, SAS, and SPSS file formats are not supported by ipumsr readers. Convert your extract to fixed-width or CSV format, or see haven for help loading these files.


  vars = NULL,
  n_max = Inf,
  data_file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
  lower_vars = FALSE

  vars = NULL,
  n_max = Inf,
  data_file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
  lower_vars = FALSE



Either a path to a DDI .xml file downloaded from IPUMS, or an ipums_ddi object parsed by read_ipums_ddi(). See Downloading IPUMS files below.


Names of variables to include in the output. Accepts a vector of names or a tidyselect selection. If NULL, includes all variables in the file.

For hierarchical data, the RECTYPE variable is always included even if unspecified.


The maximum number of lines to read. For read_ipums_micro_list(), this applies before splitting records into list components.


Path to the data (.gz) file associated with the provided ddi file. By default, looks for the data file in the same directory as the DDI file. If the data file has been moved, specify its location here.


Logical indicating whether to display IPUMS conditions and progress information.


Variable attributes from the DDI to add to the columns of the output data. Defaults to all available attributes. See set_ipums_var_attributes() for more details.


If reading a DDI from a file, a logical indicating whether to convert variable names to lowercase. Defaults to FALSE for consistency with IPUMS conventions.

This argument will be ignored if argument ddi is an ipums_ddi object. Use read_ipums_ddi() to convert variable names to lowercase when reading a DDI file.

If lower_vars = TRUE and vars is specified, vars should reference the lowercase column names.


read_ipums_micro() returns a single tibble object.

read_ipums_micro_list() returns a list of tibble objects with one entry for each record type.

Data structures

Files from IPUMS projects that contain data for multiple types of records (e.g. household records and person records) may be either rectangular or hierarchical.

Rectangular data are transformed such that each row of data represents only one type of record. For instance, each row will represent a person record, and all household-level information for that person will be included in the same row.

Hierarchical data have records of different types interspersed in a single file. For instance, a household record will be included in its own row followed by the person records associated with that household.

Hierarchical data can be read in two different formats:

  • read_ipums_micro() reads data into a tibble where each row represents a single record, regardless of record type. Variables that do not apply to a particular record type will be filled with NA in rows of that record type. For instance, a person-specific variable will be missing in all rows associated with household records.

  • read_ipums_micro_list() reads data into a list of tibble objects, where each list element contains only one record type. Each list element is named with its corresponding record type.

Downloading IPUMS files

You must download both the DDI codebook and the data file from the IPUMS extract system to load the data into R. ⁠read_ipums_micro_*()⁠ functions assume that the data file and codebook share a common base file name and are present in the same directory. If this is not the case, provide a separate path to the data file with the data_file argument.

If using the IPUMS extract interface:

  • Download the data file by clicking Download .dat under Download Data.

  • Download the DDI codebook by right clicking on the DDI link in the Codebook column of the extract interface and selecting Save as... (on Safari, you may have to select Download Linked File as...). Be sure that the codebook is downloaded in .xml format.

If using the IPUMS API:

  • For supported collections, use download_extract() to download a completed extract via the IPUMS API. This automatically downloads both the DDI codebook and the data file from the extract and returns the path to the codebook file.

See Also

read_ipums_micro_chunked() and read_ipums_micro_yield() to read data from large IPUMS microdata extracts in chunks.

read_ipums_ddi() to read metadata associated with an IPUMS microdata extract.

read_ipums_sf() to read spatial data from an IPUMS extract.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.


# Codebook for rectangular example file
cps_rect_ddi_file <- ipums_example("cps_00157.xml")

# Load data based on codebook file info
cps <- read_ipums_micro(cps_rect_ddi_file)


# Can also load data from a pre-existing `ipums_ddi` object
# (This may be useful to retain codebook metadata even if lost from data
# during processing)
ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(cps_rect_ddi_file)
cps <- read_ipums_micro(ddi, verbose = FALSE)

# Codebook for hierarchical example file
cps_hier_ddi_file <- ipums_example("cps_00159.xml")

# Read in "long" format to get a single data frame
read_ipums_micro(cps_hier_ddi_file, verbose = FALSE)

# Read in "list" format and you get a list of multiple data frames
cps_list <- read_ipums_micro_list(cps_hier_ddi_file)



# Use the `%<-%` operator from zeallot to unpack into separate objects
c(household, person) %<-% read_ipums_micro_list(cps_hier_ddi_file)



Read data from an IPUMS microdata extract by chunk


Read a microdata dataset downloaded from the IPUMS extract system in chunks.

Use these functions to read a file that is too large to store in memory at a single time. The file is processed in chunks of a given size, with a provided callback function applied to each chunk.

Two files are required to load IPUMS microdata extracts:

  • A DDI codebook file (.xml) used to parse the extract's data file

  • A data file (either .dat.gz or .csv.gz)

See Downloading IPUMS files below for more information about downloading these files.

read_ipums_micro_chunked() and read_ipums_micro_list_chunked() differ in their handling of extracts that contain multiple record types. See Data structures below.

Note that Stata, SAS, and SPSS file formats are not supported by ipumsr readers. Convert your extract to fixed-width or CSV format, or see haven for help loading these files.


  chunk_size = 10000,
  vars = NULL,
  data_file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
  lower_vars = FALSE

  chunk_size = 10000,
  vars = NULL,
  data_file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
  lower_vars = FALSE



Either a path to a DDI .xml file downloaded from IPUMS, or an ipums_ddi object parsed by read_ipums_ddi(). See Downloading IPUMS files below.


An ipums_callback object, or a function that will be converted to an IpumsSideEffectCallback object. Callback functions should include both data (x) and position (pos) arguments. See examples.


Integer number of observations to read per chunk. Higher values use more RAM, but typically result in faster processing. Defaults to 10,000.


Names of variables to include in the output. Accepts a vector of names or a tidyselect selection. If NULL, includes all variables in the file.

For hierarchical data, the RECTYPE variable is always included even if unspecified.


Path to the data (.gz) file associated with the provided ddi file. By default, looks for the data file in the same directory as the DDI file. If the data file has been moved, specify its location here.


Logical indicating whether to display IPUMS conditions and progress information.


Variable attributes from the DDI to add to the columns of the output data. Defaults to all available attributes. See set_ipums_var_attributes() for more details.


If reading a DDI from a file, a logical indicating whether to convert variable names to lowercase. Defaults to FALSE for consistency with IPUMS conventions.

This argument will be ignored if argument ddi is an ipums_ddi object. Use read_ipums_ddi() to convert variable names to lowercase when reading a DDI file.

Note that if reading in chunks from a .csv or .csv.gz file, the callback function will be called before variable names are converted to lowercase, and thus should reference uppercase variable names.


Depends on the provided callback object. See ipums_callback.

Data structures

Files from IPUMS projects that contain data for multiple types of records (e.g. household records and person records) may be either rectangular or hierarchical.

Rectangular data are transformed such that each row of data represents only one type of record. For instance, each row will represent a person record, and all household-level information for that person will be included in the same row.

Hierarchical data have records of different types interspersed in a single file. For instance, a household record will be included in its own row followed by the person records associated with that household.

Hierarchical data can be read in two different formats:

  • read_ipums_micro_chunked() reads each chunk of data into a tibble where each row represents a single record, regardless of record type. Variables that do not apply to a particular record type will be filled with NA in rows of that record type. For instance, a person-specific variable will be missing in all rows associated with household records. The provided callback function should therefore operate on a tibble object.

  • read_ipums_micro_list_chunked() reads each chunk of data into a list of tibble objects, where each list element contains only one record type. Each list element is named with its corresponding record type. The provided callback function should therefore operate on a list object. In this case, the chunk size references the total number of rows across record types, rather than in each record type.

Downloading IPUMS files

You must download both the DDI codebook and the data file from the IPUMS extract system to load the data into R. ⁠read_ipums_micro_*()⁠ functions assume that the data file and codebook share a common base file name and are present in the same directory. If this is not the case, provide a separate path to the data file with the data_file argument.

If using the IPUMS extract interface:

  • Download the data file by clicking Download .dat under Download Data.

  • Download the DDI codebook by right clicking on the DDI link in the Codebook column of the extract interface and selecting Save as... (on Safari, you may have to select Download Linked File as...). Be sure that the codebook is downloaded in .xml format.

If using the IPUMS API:

  • For supported collections, use download_extract() to download a completed extract via the IPUMS API. This automatically downloads both the DDI codebook and the data file from the extract and returns the path to the codebook file.

See Also

read_ipums_micro_yield() for more flexible handling of large IPUMS microdata files.

read_ipums_micro() to read data from an IPUMS microdata extract.

read_ipums_ddi() to read metadata associated with an IPUMS microdata extract.

read_ipums_sf() to read spatial data from an IPUMS extract.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.



# Example codebook file
cps_rect_ddi_file <- ipums_example("cps_00157.xml")

# Function to extract Minnesota cases from CPS example
# (This can also be accomplished by including case selections
# in an extract definition)
# Function must take `x` and `pos` to refer to data and row position,
# respectively.
filter_mn <- function(x, pos) {
  x[x$STATEFIP == 27, ]

# Initialize callback
filter_mn_callback <- IpumsDataFrameCallback$new(filter_mn)

# Process data in chunks, filtering to MN cases in each chunk
  callback = filter_mn_callback,
  chunk_size = 1000,
  verbose = FALSE

# Tabulate INCTOT average by state without storing full dataset in memory
  callback = IpumsDataFrameCallback$new(
    function(x, pos) {
      x %>%
          INCTOT = lbl_na_if(
            ~ grepl("Missing|N.I.U.", .lbl)
        ) %>%
        filter(! %>%
        group_by(STATEFIP = as_factor(STATEFIP)) %>%
        summarize(INCTOT_SUM = sum(INCTOT), n = n(), .groups = "drop")
  chunk_size = 1000,
  verbose = FALSE
) %>%
  group_by(STATEFIP) %>%
  summarize(avg_inc = sum(INCTOT_SUM) / sum(n))

# `x` will be a list when using `read_ipums_micro_list_chunked()`
  callback = IpumsSideEffectCallback$new(function(x, pos) {
        nrow(x$PERSON), " persons and ",
        nrow(x$HOUSEHOLD), " households in this chunk."
  chunk_size = 1000,
  verbose = FALSE

# Using the biglm package, you can even run a regression without storing
# the full dataset in memory
if (requireNamespace("biglm")) {
  lm_results <- read_ipums_micro_chunked(
      INCTOT ~ AGE + HEALTH, # Model formula
      function(x, pos) {
        x %>%
            INCTOT = lbl_na_if(
              ~ grepl("Missing|N.I.U.", .lbl)
            HEALTH = as_factor(HEALTH)
    chunk_size = 1000,
    verbose = FALSE


Read data from an IPUMS microdata extract in yields


Read a microdata dataset downloaded from the IPUMS extract system into an object that can read and operate on a group ("yield") of lines at a time. Use these functions to read a file that is too large to store in memory at a single time. They represent a more flexible implementation of read_ipums_micro_chunked() using R6.

Two files are required to load IPUMS microdata extracts:

  • A DDI codebook file (.xml) used to parse the extract's data file

  • A data file (either .dat.gz or .csv.gz)

See Downloading IPUMS files below for more information about downloading these files.

read_ipums_micro_yield() and read_ipums_micro_list_yield() differ in their handling of extracts that contain multiple record types. See Data structures below.

Note that these functions only support fixed-width (.dat) data files.


  vars = NULL,
  data_file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
  lower_vars = FALSE

  vars = NULL,
  data_file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
  lower_vars = FALSE



Either a path to a DDI .xml file downloaded from IPUMS, or an ipums_ddi object parsed by read_ipums_ddi(). See Downloading IPUMS files below.


Names of variables to include in the output. Accepts a vector of names or a tidyselect selection. If NULL, includes all variables in the file.

For hierarchical data, the RECTYPE variable is always included even if unspecified.


Path to the data (.gz) file associated with the provided ddi file. By default, looks for the data file in the same directory as the DDI file. If the data file has been moved, specify its location here.


Logical indicating whether to display IPUMS conditions and progress information.


Variable attributes from the DDI to add to the columns of the output data. Defaults to all available attributes. See set_ipums_var_attributes() for more details.


If reading a DDI from a file, a logical indicating whether to convert variable names to lowercase. Defaults to FALSE for consistency with IPUMS conventions.

This argument will be ignored if argument ddi is an ipums_ddi object. Use read_ipums_ddi() to convert variable names to lowercase when reading a DDI file.

If lower_vars = TRUE and vars is specified, vars should reference the lowercase column names.


A HipYield R6 object (see Details section)

Methods summary:

These functions return a HipYield R6 object with the following methods:

  • yield(n = 10000) reads the next "yield" from the data.

    For read_ipums_micro_yield(), returns a tibble with up to n rows.

    For read_ipums_micro_list_yield(), returns a list of tibbles with a total of up to n rows across list elements.

    If fewer than n rows are left in the data, returns all remaining rows. If no rows are left in the data, returns NULL.

  • reset() resets the data so that the next yield will read data from the start.

  • is_done() returns a logical indicating whether all rows in the file have been read.

  • cur_pos contains the next row number that will be read (1-indexed).

Data structures

Files from IPUMS projects that contain data for multiple types of records (e.g. household records and person records) may be either rectangular or hierarchical.

Rectangular data are transformed such that each row of data represents only one type of record. For instance, each row will represent a person record, and all household-level information for that person will be included in the same row.

Hierarchical data have records of different types interspersed in a single file. For instance, a household record will be included in its own row followed by the person records associated with that household.

Hierarchical data can be read in two different formats:

  • read_ipums_micro_yield() produces an object that yields data as a tibble whose rows represent single records, regardless of record type. Variables that do not apply to a particular record type will be filled with NA in rows of that record type. For instance, a person-specific variable will be missing in all rows associated with household records.

  • read_ipums_micro_list_yield() produces an object that yields data as a list of tibble objects, where each list element contains only one record type. Each list element is named with its corresponding record type. In this case, when using yield(), n refers to the total number of rows across record types, rather than in each record type.

Downloading IPUMS files

You must download both the DDI codebook and the data file from the IPUMS extract system to load the data into R. ⁠read_ipums_micro_*()⁠ functions assume that the data file and codebook share a common base file name and are present in the same directory. If this is not the case, provide a separate path to the data file with the data_file argument.

If using the IPUMS extract interface:

  • Download the data file by clicking Download .dat under Download Data.

  • Download the DDI codebook by right clicking on the DDI link in the Codebook column of the extract interface and selecting Save as... (on Safari, you may have to select Download Linked File as...). Be sure that the codebook is downloaded in .xml format.

If using the IPUMS API:

  • For supported collections, use download_extract() to download a completed extract via the IPUMS API. This automatically downloads both the DDI codebook and the data file from the extract and returns the path to the codebook file.

See Also

read_ipums_micro_chunked() to read data from large IPUMS microdata extracts in chunks.

read_ipums_micro() to read data from an IPUMS microdata extract.

read_ipums_ddi() to read metadata associated with an IPUMS microdata extract.

read_ipums_sf() to read spatial data from an IPUMS extract.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.


# Create an IpumsLongYield object
long_yield <- read_ipums_micro_yield(ipums_example("cps_00157.xml"))

# Yield the first 10 rows of the data

# Yield the next 20 rows of the data

# Check the current position after yielding 30 rows

# Reset to the beginning of the file

# Use a loop to flexibly process the data in pieces. Count all Minnesotans:
total_mn <- 0

while (!long_yield$is_done()) {
  cur_data <- long_yield$yield(1000)
  total_mn <- total_mn + sum(as_factor(cur_data$STATEFIP) == "Minnesota")


# Can also read hierarchical data as list:
list_yield <- read_ipums_micro_list_yield(ipums_example("cps_00159.xml"))

# Yield size is based on total rows for all list elements

Read spatial data from an IPUMS extract


Read a spatial data file (also referred to as a GIS file or shapefile) from an IPUMS extract into an sf object from the sf package.


  file_select = NULL,
  vars = NULL,
  encoding = NULL,
  bind_multiple = FALSE,
  add_layer_var = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  shape_layer = deprecated()



Path to a single .shp file or a .zip archive containing at least one .shp file. See Details section.


If shape_file is a .zip archive that contains multiple files, an expression identifying the files to load. Accepts a character string specifying the file name, a tidyselect selection, or index position. If multiple files are selected, bind_multiple must be equal to TRUE.


Names of variables to include in the output. Accepts a character vector of names or a tidyselect selection. If NULL, includes all variables in the file.


Encoding to use when reading the shape file. If NULL, defaults to "latin1" unless the file includes a .cpg metadata file with encoding information. The default value should generally be appropriate.


If TRUE and shape_file contains multiple .shp files, row-bind the files into a single sf object. Useful when shape_file contains multiple files that represent the same geographic units for different extents (e.g. block-level data for multiple states).


If TRUE, add a variable to the output data indicating the file that each row originates from. Defaults to FALSE unless bind_multiple = TRUE and multiple files exist in shape_file.

The column name will always be prefixed with "layer", but will be adjusted to avoid name conflicts if another column named "layer" already exists in the data.


If TRUE report additional progress information on load.


[Deprecated] Please use file_select instead.


Some IPUMS products provide shapefiles in a "nested" .zip archive. That is, each shapefile (including a .shp as well as accompanying files) is compressed in its own archive, and the collection of all shapefiles provided in an extract is also compressed into a single .zip archive.

read_ipums_sf() is designed to handle this structure. However, if any files are altered such that an internal .zip archive contains multiple shapefiles, this function will throw an error. If this is the case, you may need to manually unzip the downloaded file before loading it into R.


An sf object

See Also

read_ipums_micro() or read_nhgis() to read tabular data from an IPUMS extract.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.


# Example shapefile from NHGIS
shape_ex1 <- ipums_example("")
data_ex1 <- read_nhgis(ipums_example(""), verbose = FALSE)

sf_data <- read_ipums_sf(shape_ex1)


# To combine spatial data with tabular data without losing the attributes
# included in the tabular data, use an ipums shape join:
ipums_shape_full_join(data_ex1, sf_data, by = "GISJOIN")

shape_ex2 <- ipums_example("")

# Shapefiles are provided in .zip archives that may contain multiple
# files. Select a single file with `file_select`:
read_ipums_sf(shape_ex2, file_select = matches("us_pmsa_1990"))

# Or row-bind files with `bind_multiple`. This may be useful for files of
# the same geographic level that cover different extents)
  file_select = matches("us_pmsa"),
  bind_multiple = TRUE

Read tabular data from an NHGIS extract


Read a csv or fixed-width (.dat) file downloaded from the NHGIS extract system.

To read spatial data from an NHGIS extract, use read_ipums_sf().


  file_select = NULL,
  vars = NULL,
  col_types = NULL,
  n_max = Inf,
  guess_max = min(n_max, 1000),
  do_file = NULL,
  var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
  remove_extra_header = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  data_layer = deprecated()



Path to a .zip archive containing an NHGIS extract or a single file from an NHGIS extract.


If data_file is a .zip archive that contains multiple files, an expression identifying the file to load. Accepts a character vector specifying the file name, a tidyselect selection, or an index position. This must uniquely identify a file.


Names of variables to include in the output. Accepts a vector of names or a tidyselect selection. If NULL, includes all variables in the file.


One of NULL, a cols() specification or a string. If NULL, all column types will be inferred from the values in the first guess_max rows of each column. Alternatively, you can use a compact string representation to specify column types:

  • c = character

  • i = integer

  • n = number

  • d = double

  • l = logical

  • f = factor

  • D = date

  • T = date time

  • t = time

  • ? = guess

  • _ or - = skip

See read_delim() for more details.


Maximum number of lines to read.


For .csv files, maximum number of lines to use for guessing column types. Will never use more than the number of lines read.


For fixed-width files, path to the .do file associated with the provided data_file. The .do file contains the parsing instructions for the data file.

By default, looks in the same path as data_file for a .do file with the same name. See Details section below.


Variable attributes to add from the codebook (.txt) file included in the extract. Defaults to all available attributes.

See set_ipums_var_attributes() for more details.


If TRUE, remove the additional descriptive header row included in some NHGIS .csv files.

This header row is not usually needed as it contains similar information to that included in the "label" attribute of each data column (if var_attrs includes "var_label").


Logical controlling whether to display output when loading data. If TRUE, displays IPUMS conditions, a progress bar, and column types. Otherwise, all are suppressed.

Will be overridden by readr.show_progress and readr.show_col_types options, if they are set.


[Deprecated] Please use file_select instead.


The .do file that is included when downloading an NHGIS fixed-width extract contains the necessary metadata (e.g. column positions and implicit decimals) to correctly parse the data file. read_nhgis() uses this information to parse and recode the fixed-width data appropriately.

If you no longer have access to the .do file, consider resubmitting the extract that produced the data. You can also change the desired data format to produce a .csv file, which does not require additional metadata files to be loaded.

For more about resubmitting an existing extract via the IPUMS API, see vignette("ipums-api", package = "ipumsr").


A tibble containing the data found in data_file

See Also

read_ipums_sf() to read spatial data from an IPUMS extract.

read_nhgis_codebook() to read metadata about an IPUMS NHGIS extract.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.


# Example files
csv_file <- ipums_example("")
fw_file <- ipums_example("")

# Provide the .zip archive directly to load the data inside:

# For extracts that contain multiple files, use `file_select` to specify
# a single file to load. This accepts a tidyselect expression:
read_nhgis(fw_file, file_select = matches("ds239"), verbose = FALSE)

# Or an index position:
read_nhgis(fw_file, file_select = 2, verbose = FALSE)

# For CSV files, column types are inferred from the data. You can
# manually specify column types with `col_types`. This may be useful for
# geographic codes, which should typically be interpreted as character values
read_nhgis(csv_file, col_types = list(MSA_CMSAA = "c"), verbose = FALSE)

# Fixed-width files are parsed with the correct column positions
# and column types automatically:
read_nhgis(fw_file, file_select = contains("ts"), verbose = FALSE)

# You can also read in a subset of the data file:
  n_max = 15,
  vars = c(GISJOIN, YEAR, D6Z002),
  verbose = FALSE

Read metadata from an NHGIS codebook (.txt) file



Read the variable metadata contained in the .txt codebook file included with NHGIS extracts into an ipums_ddi object.

Because NHGIS variable metadata do not adhere to all the standards of microdata DDI files, some of the ipums_ddi fields will not be populated.

This function is marked as experimental while we determine whether there may be a more robust way to standardize codebook and DDI reading across IPUMS collections.


read_nhgis_codebook(cb_file, file_select = NULL, raw = FALSE)



Path to a .zip archive containing an NHGIS extract or to an NHGIS codebook (.txt) file.


If cb_file is a .zip archive or directory that contains multiple codebook files, an expression identifying the file to read. Accepts a character string specifying the file name, a tidyselect selection, or an index position of the file. Ignored if cb_file is the path to a single codebook file.


If TRUE, return a character vector containing the lines of cb_file rather than an ipums_ddi object. Defaults to FALSE.


If raw = FALSE, an ipums_ddi object with information on the variables contained in the data for the extract associated with the given cb_file.

If raw = TRUE, a character vector with one element for each line of the given cb_file.

See Also

read_nhgis() to read tabular data from an IPUMS NHGIS extract.

read_ipums_sf() to read spatial data from an IPUMS extract.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.


# Example file
nhgis_file <- ipums_example("")

# Read codebook as an `ipums_ddi` object:
codebook <- read_nhgis_codebook(nhgis_file)

# Variable-level metadata about the contents of the data file:

ipums_var_label(codebook, "PMSA")

# If variable metadata have been lost from a data source, reattach from
# the corresponding `ipums_ddi` object:
nhgis_data <- read_nhgis(nhgis_file, verbose = FALSE)

nhgis_data <- zap_ipums_attributes(nhgis_data)

nhgis_data <- set_ipums_var_attributes(nhgis_data, codebook$var_info)

# You can also load the codebook in raw format to display in the console
codebook_raw <- read_nhgis_codebook(nhgis_file, raw = TRUE)

# Use `cat` for human-readable output
cat(codebook_raw[1:20], sep = "\n")

Store an extract definition in JSON format


Write an ipums_extract object to a JSON file, or read an extract definition from such a file.

Use these functions to store a copy of an extract definition outside of your R environment and/or share an extract definition with another registered IPUMS user.

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api").


save_extract_as_json(extract, file, overwrite = FALSE)




An ipums_extract object.


File path to which to write the JSON-formatted extract definition.


If TRUE, overwrite file if it already exists. Defaults to FALSE.


Path to a file containing a JSON-formatted extract definition.


An ipums_extract object.

API Version Compatibility

As of v0.6.0, ipumsr only supports IPUMS API version 2. If you have stored an extract definition made using version beta or version 1 of the IPUMS API, you will not be able to load it using define_extract_from_json(). The API version for the request should be stored in the saved JSON file. (If there is no "api_version" or "version" field in the JSON file, the request was likely made under version beta or version 1.)

If the extract definition was originally made under your user account and you know its corresponding extract number, use get_extract_info() to obtain a definition compliant with IPUMS API version 2. You can then save this definition to JSON with save_extract_as_json().

Otherwise, you will need to update the JSON file to be compliant with IPUMS API version 2. In general, this should only require renaming all JSON fields written in snake_case to camelCase. For instance, "data_tables" would become "dataTables", "data_format" would become "dataFormat", and so on. You will also need to change the "api_version" field to "version" and set it equal to 2. If you are unable to create a valid extract by modifying the file, you may have to recreate the definition manually using the define_extract_micro() or define_extract_nhgis().

See the IPUMS developer documentation for more details on API versioning and breaking changes introduced in version 2.

See Also

define_extract_micro() or define_extract_nhgis() to define an extract request manually

get_extract_info() to obtain a past extract to save.

submit_extract() to submit an extract request for processing.

add_to_extract() and remove_from_extract() to revise an extract definition.


my_extract <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "usa",
  description = "2013-2014 ACS Data",
  samples = c("us2013a", "us2014a"),
  variables = c("SEX", "AGE", "YEAR")

extract_json_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "usa_extract.json")
save_extract_as_json(my_extract, file = extract_json_path)

copy_of_my_extract <- define_extract_from_json(extract_json_path)

identical(my_extract, copy_of_my_extract)


Set your IPUMS API key


Set your IPUMS API key as the value associated with the IPUMS_API_KEY environment variable.

The key can be stored for the duration of your session or for future sessions. If saved for future sessions, it is added to the .Renviron file in your home directory. If you choose to save your key to .Renviron, this function will create a backup copy of the file before modifying.

This function is modeled after the census_api_key() function from tidycensus.

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api").


set_ipums_api_key(api_key, save = overwrite, overwrite = FALSE, unset = FALSE)



API key associated with your user account.


If TRUE, save the key for use in future sessions by adding it to the .Renviron file in your home directory. Defaults to FALSE, unless overwrite = TRUE.


If TRUE, overwrite any existing value of IPUMS_API_KEY in the .Renviron file with the provided api_key. Defaults to FALSE.


If TRUE, remove the existing value of IPUMS_API_KEY from the environment and the .Renviron file in your home directory.


The value of api_key, invisibly.

See Also

set_ipums_default_collection() to set a default collection.

Set your default IPUMS collection


Set the default IPUMS collection as the value associated with the IPUMS_DEFAULT_COLLECTION environment variable. If this environment variable exists, IPUMS API functions that require a collection specification will use the value of IPUMS_DEFAULT_COLLECTION, unless another collection is indicated.

The default collection can be stored for the duration of your session or for future sessions. If saved for future sessions, it is added to the .Renviron file in your home directory. If you choose to save your key to .Renviron, this function will create a backup copy of the file before modifying.

This function is modeled after the census_api_key() function from tidycensus.

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api").


  collection = NULL,
  save = overwrite,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  unset = FALSE



Character string of the collection to set as your default collection. The collection must currently be supported by the IPUMS API.

For a list of codes used to refer to each collection, see ipums_data_collections().


If TRUE, save the default collection for use in future sessions by adding it to the .Renviron file in your home directory. Defaults to FALSE, unless overwrite = TRUE.


If TRUE, overwrite any existing value of IPUMS_DEFAULT_COLLECTION in the .Renviron file with the provided collection. Defaults to FALSE.


if TRUE, remove the existing value of IPUMS_DEFAULT_COLLECTION from the environment and the .Renviron file in your home directory.


The value of collection, invisibly.

See Also

set_ipums_api_key() to set an API key.



## Not run: 
# Extract info will now be retrieved for the default collection:


# Equivalent to:
get_extract_info(c("nhgis", 1))

# Other collections can be specified explicitly
# Doing so does not alter the default collection

## End(Not run)

# Remove the variable from the environment and .Renviron, if saved
set_ipums_default_collection(unset = TRUE)

Add IPUMS variable attributes to a data frame


Add variable attributes from an ipums_ddi object to a data frame. These provide contextual information about the variables and values contained in the data columns.

Most ipumsr data-reading functions automatically add these attributes. However, some data processing operations may remove attributes, or you may wish to store data in an external database that does not support these attributes. In these cases, use this function to manually attach this information.


  var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc")



tibble or data frame


An ipums_ddi object or a data frame containing variable information. Variable information can be obtained by calling ipums_var_info() on an ipums_ddi object.


Variable attributes from the DDI to add to the columns of the output data. Defaults to all available attributes.


Attribute val_labels adds the haven_labelled class and the corresponding value labels for applicable variables. For more about the haven_labelled class, see vignette("semantics", package = "haven").

Attribute var_label adds a short summary of the variable's contents to the "label" attribute. This label is viewable in the RStudio Viewer.

Attribute var_desc adds a longer description of the variable's contents to the "var_desc" attribute, when available.

Variable information is attached to the data by column name. If column names in data do not match those found in var_info, attributes will not be added.


data, with variable attributes attached


ddi_file <- ipums_example("cps_00157.xml")

# Load metadata into `ipums_ddi` object
ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(ddi_file)

# Load data
cps <- read_ipums_micro(ddi)

# Data includes variable metadata:

# Some operations remove attributes, even if they do not alter the data:
cps$INCTOT <- ifelse(TRUE, cps$INCTOT, NA)

# We can reattach metadata from the separate `ipums_ddi` object:
cps <- set_ipums_var_attributes(cps, ddi)

Submit an extract request via the IPUMS API


Submit an extract request via the IPUMS API and return an ipums_extract object containing the extract definition with a newly-assigned extract request number.

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api").


submit_extract(extract, api_key = Sys.getenv("IPUMS_API_KEY"))



An ipums_extract object.


API key associated with your user account. Defaults to the value of the IPUMS_API_KEY environment variable. See set_ipums_api_key().


An ipums_extract object containing the extract definition and newly-assigned extract number of the submitted extract.

Note that some unspecified extract fields may be populated with default values and therefore change slightly upon submission.

See Also

wait_for_extract() to wait for an extract to finish processing.

get_extract_info() and is_extract_ready() to check the status of an extract request.

download_extract() to download an extract's data files.


my_extract <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "cps",
  description = "2018-2019 CPS Data",
  samples = c("cps2018_05s", "cps2019_05s"),
  variables = c("SEX", "AGE", "YEAR")

## Not run: 
# Store your submitted extract request to obtain the extract number
submitted_extract <- submit_extract(my_extract)


# This is useful for checking the extract request status

# You can always get the latest status, even if you forget to store the
# submitted extract request object
submitted_extract <- get_last_extract_info("cps")

# You can also check if submitted extract is ready

# Or have R check periodically and download when ready
downloadable_extract <- wait_for_extract(submitted_extract)

## End(Not run)

Wait for an extract request to finish processing


Wait for an extract request to finish by periodically checking its status via the IPUMS API until it is complete.

is_extract_ready() is a convenience function to check if an extract is ready to download without committing your R session to waiting for extract completion.

Learn more about the IPUMS API in vignette("ipums-api").


  initial_delay_seconds = 0,
  max_delay_seconds = 300,
  timeout_seconds = 10800,
  verbose = TRUE,
  api_key = Sys.getenv("IPUMS_API_KEY")

is_extract_ready(extract, api_key = Sys.getenv("IPUMS_API_KEY"))



One of:

  • An ipums_extract object

  • The data collection and extract number formatted as a string of the form "collection:number" or as a vector of the form c("collection", number)

  • An extract number to be associated with your default IPUMS collection. See set_ipums_default_collection()

For a list of codes used to refer to each collection, see ipums_data_collections().


Seconds to wait before first status check. The wait time will automatically increase by 10 seconds between each successive check.


Maximum interval to wait between status checks. When the wait interval reaches this value, checks will continue to occur at max_delay_seconds intervals until the extract is complete or timeout_seconds is reached. Defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes).


Maximum total number of seconds to continue waiting for the extract before throwing an error. Defaults to 10,800 seconds (3 hours).


If TRUE, print status updates to the R console at the beginning of each wait interval and upon extract completion. Defaults to TRUE.


API key associated with your user account. Defaults to the value of the IPUMS_API_KEY environment variable. See set_ipums_api_key().


The status of a submitted extract will be one of "queued", "started", "produced", "canceled", "failed", or "completed".

To be ready to download, an extract must have a "completed" status. However, some requests that are "completed" may still be unavailable for download, as extracts expire and are removed from IPUMS servers after a set period of time (72 hours for microdata collections, 2 weeks for IPUMS NHGIS).

Therefore, these functions also check the download_links field of the extract request to determine if data are available for download. If an extract has expired (that is, it has completed but its download links are no longer available), these functions will warn that the extract request must be resubmitted.


For wait_for_extract(), an ipums_extract object containing the extract definition and the URLs from which to download extract files.

For is_extract_ready(), a logical value indicating whether the extract is ready to download.

See Also

download_extract() to download an extract's data files.

get_extract_info() to obtain the definition of a submitted extract request.


my_extract <- define_extract_micro(
  collection = "ipumsi",
  description = "Botswana data",
  samples = c("bw2001a", "bw2011a"),
  variables = c("SEX", "AGE", "YEAR")

## Not run: 
submitted_extract <- submit_extract(my_extract)

# Wait for a particular extract request to complete by providing its
# associated `ipums_extract` object:
downloadable_extract <- wait_for_extract(submitted_extract)

# Or by specifying the collection and number for the extract request:
downloadable_extract <- wait_for_extract("ipumsi:1")

# If you have a default collection, you can use the extract number alone:

downloadable_extract <- wait_for_extract(1)

# Use `download_extract()` to download the completed extract:
files <- download_extract(downloadable_extract)

# Use `is_extract_ready()` if you don't want to tie up your R session by
# waiting for completion

## End(Not run)

Remove label attributes from a data frame or labelled vector


Remove all label attributes (value labels, variable labels, and variable descriptions) from a data frame or vector.





A data frame or labelled vector (for instance, from a data frame column)


An object of the same type as x without "val_labels", ⁠"var_label⁠", and "var_desc" attributes.

See Also

Other lbl_helpers: lbl(), lbl_add(), lbl_clean(), lbl_define(), lbl_na_if(), lbl_relabel()


cps <- read_ipums_micro(ipums_example("cps_00157.xml"))


cps <- zap_ipums_attributes(cps)